Sustanon – Testosterone Blend 250mg/ml – Apoxar


Sustanon is a complex steroid comprised of 4 testosterone types which are absorbed at different rates. The increase in muscle mass happens alongside the concurrent reduction in excreted fluid from the body. Can be used for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

  • Usage: Inject 500-750mg once a week. TRT – 250mg once a week.
  • Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: Yes. Requires Letrozole 2.5mg each other day during the cycle
  • Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 20mg/day for another 2 weeks
  • Stack With: Winstrol for lean muscle or Deca for bulking
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Apoxar Sustanon General Description

Apoxar Sustanon is an anabolic and androgenic steroid containing a mix of various testosterone esters. At first the drug was produced by a pharmaceutical company Organon as a medicinal remedy for patients with reduced natural testosterone production as part of the substitution therapy. Due to its pronounced anabolic effects, Sustanon can also be used for muscle mass growth. The ester mix guarantees stable levels of the hormone in the body as it doesn’t contain a high concentration of the active component. The drug is comprised of 4 esters:

  • propionate;
  • isocaproate;
  • phenylpropionate;
  • decanoate;

Each male hormone ester that comprises Sustanon varies by different absorption rates, which constantly keeps the maximum concentration of anabolic hormones for an entire month. Still, it would be wrong to assume that Sustanon is a ready-made combo drug – each component of the steroid only converts into testosterone. The drug is not recommended for competing athletes, as the drug’s metabolites can be detected 3 months after the end of the cycle.

Apoxar Sustanon Benefits

Apoxar Sustanon is used for various effects:

  • increase in muscle volume – a solo cycle can result in 6 kg of muscle;
  • improved strength;
  • suppressed catabolism in muscle tissue;
  • improved blood-forming – Sustanon increases the amount of red blood cells, leading to better endurance;
  • healthier appetite;
  • improved sex life, increased libido.

Apoxar Sustanon is used for a rapid and continuous testosterone release into the blood circulation. Phenylpropionate and Propionate are absorbed the quickest, entering the metabolism processes for the first 4 days after injection. Other esters enter the bloodstream more slowly, which is why their action is maintained for 2-3 weeks. It’s a great improvement when compared to Enanthate or Cypionate, as these drugs last less and provide reduced concentrations of the active components.

Apoxar Sustanon Possible Side Effects

As other forms of the male hormone, Apoxar Sustanon converts to estrogens. This is why the drug may cause such adverse reactions as gynecomastia, swelling, suppressed endogenous testosterone production, excess fat deposits.

Aromatization-related side effects may be prevented by using aromatase inhibitors. Antiestrogens like Tamoxifen should be used only as part of post-cycle therapy. Aromatase inhibitors are to be used starting from the second week of the cycle, all the while maintaining the estrogen levels. Anastrozole should be used at 0.5 mg every two days. The usage of aromatase inhibitors is stopped after 1-2 weeks after the last injection of the cycle. PCT is started 3 weeks after the last injection, using Tamoxifen (Apoxar, Nolvadex) and testosterone boosters for 3-4 weeks for restoring the testosterone production.

Testicular atrophy is possible to occur due to reduced male sex hormone production in the body. This can be avoided by maintaining the injection cycle for no longer than 8 weeks. A longer cycle calls for chorion gonadotrophic hormone usage.
Endogenous testosterone converts to dihydrotestosterone, which may lead to acneiform rash, hair loss, enlarged prostate.

Athletes note higher body temperature and a fever-like state during the drug cycle. As other steroids, Apoxar Sustanon increases the bad cholesterol concentration in the bloodstream. It’s recommended to use omega-3 for the entire duration of the cycle.

Infiltrations are possible to manifest after steroid injections, meaning “lumps” or densities in the glute area and other injection sites. Infiltrations dissolve in 2-5 days, but it’s possible to hasten the process by massaging and warming the sites.

Apoxar Sustanon Administration and Dosage

The optimal duration for Apoxar Sustanon solo usage is about 6-8 weeks. Weekly injections are necessary for maintaining the high concentration of the active component in the bloodstream. It’s recommended to inject the solution into the gluteus. Recommended dosage: 250-500 mg.

Dosages that exceed 750-1000 mg per week result in higher risks of side effects that greatly outweigh the possible benefits of such doses. Sports supplements and a set diet are recommended for maximized muscle growth and other effects of the drug.

The main components of Sustanon remain active for 4 weeks after the final injection. Starting PCT right after the cycle is pointless. The usage of antiestrogens (Clomid, Tamoxifen, Toremifene) should be postponed for 2-3 weeks as the concentration of androgen is gradually reduced.

Apoxar Sustanon Cycle and Combined Cycles

Apoxar Sustanon cycle depends on the end goal of the user. The steroid should be used with Nandrolone for improved muscle growth, or with Winstrol for better body definition and cutting. Examples of Combined Cycles:

  • Sustanon + Nandrolone. Daily injections of Sustanon at 250 mg and weekly injections of nandrolone at 200 mg.
  • Sustanon + Winstrol. Daily injections of Winstrol at 30 mg and weekly injections of Sustanon at 250 mg.
  • Sustanon + Methandienone. Weekly injections of Sustanon at 250 mg and daily usage of methandienone at 30 mg.

A proper steroid combination guarantees the best results when compared to using anabolic-androgenic steroids separately, as combined usage promotes synergy of the drugs. Such a cycle lowers the risks of side effects as well.